The Do’s and Don’ts of Wearing Wigs

In the last decades more and more women are embracing the type of multifunction that comes with a wig, but it seems as if the rules need to be set again.

So, here is the list of wig do’s and don’ts for people who wear wigs.
Don’t wear a wig you bought straight from the package.
Do have it cut into the shape that suits your face.
Do have the most natural looking wig in a modern way.
Don’t go for startling colors, unless you are a former Supreme.
Do have a natural hairline looking.
Don’t do the crescent moon hairline. In a word, let your forehead be pretty.
Do be sure your wig is fit your age. Short wigs are great but can make one look older for some people.
Do make your lace in the front be professional. If you are not sure what you are doing, just leave it alone.
Do try a half-wig. Since your own hair is exposed, it is easier to pull off. So the texture fitting for your natural hair is OK.
Do keep your wig’s shape by putting it on a wig stand.

Do keep your natural hair smooth.
Many people do not pull off their wigs when they are in the pool.
In fact, they are deceiving themselves. Because most of the time, people know it is a wig.
So, remember these dos and don’ts, and be a pretty woman.


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